Optimized Muslim

#3 Your (Mental) Diet & How It Can Affect Your Deen

Your (Mental) Diet & How It Can Affect Your Deen – Optimized Muslim Podcast Episode 003

Essentially the message behind the podcast/video is that what you expose your senses to or what you feed your mind can have a powerful impact on your relationship with your Deen. You might say, “Everyone knows that” – but do we actually know this to the extent that it affects how we conduct our lives?

In this podcast, I try to express the point in a way which may well resonate, as it did with me when I thought about it this way. Please share if you benefit.

Email: Aadil@optimizedmuslim.com


link to Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caAGwDMvIME&list=WL&index=5&t=0s

Free Gift!

Here is my personal collection of powerful Quran verses, ahadith and quotes that helped me. 

Bonus Gifts: Practical Istikhar/fear-setting worksheet and my “mental diet” Notion database..

Free Gift!

Here is my personal collection of powerful Quran verses, ahadith and quotes that helped me start my journey and get me through tough times.

Bonus Gifts: Practical Istikhar/fear-setting worksheet and my “mental diet” Notion database..