Optimized Muslim

#12 How following “The Crowd” limits you and what to do about it –

When people say “That’s not possible” or “it doesn’t work like that in reality”, often it is a projection of their thinking on what behaviour/action is acceptable in relation to a particular topic which may be limited by their frame of reference. If the frame of reference is formed by the “crowd”- inevitably it will be limited.

Great achievements or habits are a result of a process. This process is likely alien to the masses. Whether it is in Deen or dunya, you have to be willing to live/think differently if you want an outcome such as being a practising Muslim. An example, is memorising the Qur’an. Spending years of studying the Qur’an for 3-5 hours a day is the process. You cannot do what the masses do like watch tv for 4 hours and attain that result.

Look at what the masses do and do the opposite is a general aphorism but warrants some thought.

Another damaging and limiting mindset that Muslims should strive to eradicate.

Mention me in your duas if you found this to be of use.


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Bonus Gifts: Practical Istikhar/fear-setting worksheet and my “mental diet” Notion database..