Optimized Muslim

Just How Amazing A Believer Has It…

Just how amazing is the situation of the believer? If you internalize the meaning of this hadith, then what of this world can actually deeply affect you in a harmful way?

Yes, we’re all human and experience different emotional states but the question becomes how long we stay in certain negative states before regaining perspective.

We are willingly put up with the unpleasantness of a doctor’s prescription because we believe the initial discomfort is a necessary precursor to better health.

But what about when we go through hardships or trials in this life even though we know about the fruits of Sabr (patience) as guaranteed by our Creator.

Which advice takes precedence?

Something to reflect on.

Free Gift!

Here is my personal collection of powerful Quran verses, ahadith and quotes that helped me. 

Bonus Gifts: Practical Istikhar/fear-setting worksheet and my “mental diet” Notion database..

Free Gift!

Here is my personal collection of powerful Quran verses, ahadith and quotes that helped me start my journey and get me through tough times.

Bonus Gifts: Practical Istikhar/fear-setting worksheet and my “mental diet” Notion database..