Optimized Muslim

Using gratitude to build humility

Remind yourself of your blessings and try to remain in a constant state of gratitude. If, even the way you think is a gift from Allah swt, how can you not be in a constant state of gratitude. View your qualities as blessings and not products of your own doing. This will help safeguard against arrogance and allow for empathy towards others

Free Gift!

Here is my personal collection of powerful Quran verses, ahadith and quotes that helped me. 

Bonus Gifts: Practical Istikhar/fear-setting worksheet and my “mental diet” Notion database..

Free Gift!

Here is my personal collection of powerful Quran verses, ahadith and quotes that helped me start my journey and get me through tough times.

Bonus Gifts: Practical Istikhar/fear-setting worksheet and my “mental diet” Notion database..